Information Overhelming + GIFT
I used to get 200 messages daily, and I want to show you how I got out of this disgusting circle. I also have a gift for you to have a place to store your collected information.
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a productive week so far.
Every day, we get hundreds of thousands of information, emails, posts, and whatever. Our brain is completely overloaded with stimuli. But what the hell should we do?
I'll show you my ways to make this an end.
Let's get started👇
🤮 This is disgusting
🎯 The solution
📁 Managing information + BONUS GIFT TO YOU
✅ Make a Reality-Check
🤮 This is disgusting
Over the past year, I've learned that many distractions keep us busy every day and take us away from our goals.
I wanted to regain my focus. Especially the topic of smartphones plays a much more significant role than you think.
I sometimes had 150-200 notifications daily and spent hours doing meaningless things on my phone.
You unlock your phone countless times a day to see what's new.
Suppose you want to look up one thing. In that case, you get lost in the app jungle, or your attention wanders to other things because every company is trying to get your attention.
Attention is the new currency of companies. Unfortunately, you don't realize until it's too late how damaging that is and that you have neither focus nor control.
Since I had set goals for myself and wanted to achieve something besides my main job, I quickly started to take a step against it daily.
I rationally deleted more apps every day to get an overview again.
Are you sometimes still on your cell phone in the evening just before you fall asleep?
🎯 The solution
Everyone knows this.
What helped me:
I had a lock that automatically locks all apps after a specific time in the evening.
It only unlocks them again automatically when I get up.
A black-and-white filter is activated so I don't overload my brain with all the colors, apps, and advertisements.
From one day to the next, I turned off all notifications except emails and realized I hadn’t missed anything. Neither Instagram, WhatsApp, nor YouTube notifications.
So I look at my phone only when I want.
Suddenly, I could decide when to take 10 minutes, reply to messages, or watch what videos were uploaded.
It's not easy for many to turn that off.
You might say now that WhatsApp messages can also be important. Believe me when I say that is not so.
Many things take care of themselves again.
For example:
If a friend wants something from you and you are always ready to answer directly, it becomes a habit for him.
In addition, you are a bit happy every time you can help someone, and your brain releases happiness hormones.
If you don't do it anymore and answer hours later, some things will have taken care of themselves.
If something is urgent, the person calls you. Observe your phone habits and then test what could help you.
Another critical topic is managing digital information and notes.
📁 Managing information + BONUS GIFT TO YOU
Every day, we get hundreds of pieces of information through emails, phone calls, meetings, conversations with friends, ideas, or spontaneous thoughts.
To-Do for you:
Look at your phone settings, how many messages you get daily, and how often you unlock your device during the day.
We have many projects and areas we want and need to take care of.
So that you don't get stuck because your brain gets flooded every day, your email box is blown up, and you don't know where to go with all the information, I have a gift for you.
The skill to manage all the information daily, to keep what matters, and to create something out of it is getting more and more important to get ahead.
I put together a Notion Template for you, which greatly helps me. Here, you can store everything you want.
Feel free to copy my template on the top right of the page into your Notion Workspace and try it out:
I got the four-folder structure from the book “Building a Second Brain” by Tiago Forte.
It's about storing all the important information you encounter during the day and creating more space for creative thinking.
So that you can keep what counts, remember your good ideas again, and create something out of it.
The good thing is that you can use this structure in all areas wherever you store notes or things.
In your folders on the PC
Bookmarks in the browser
Email folders
Daily notes to assign them to your projects and areas.
So, what to do next?
✅ Make a Reality-Check
In an era dominated by screens, we're the product. Our attention is a valuable commodity. It's easy to get lost in the infinite scrolls and relentless notifications.
Do a reality check:
Sit down without distractions for an hour, and see where you are and where you want to go.
Reflect honestly on how you currently use your phone and whether these things are helping you.
Visualize your future very clearly in your mind and write it down.
This has brought me much further and given me more focus in everyday life.
Are you in control or being controlled?
Reclaim your control and start now.
Thanks for reading.
Feel free to share your personal experiences about this topic or give any feedback with a comment or DM.
I wish you a productive week.
See you next time!
I'm in a situation at work now (forced upon me) where I need to check my phone to be in contact with the manager of the business. Sucks balls.
My next goal is to organize my files and digital information. Biggest goal is to unsubscribe from nonsense mailing lists and other things that I did when I was less concious of my digital lifestyle.
Great read :) restacked